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Vacations & Your Pets

Summer time is here and many people will be going on vacation. Lots of pet parents want to bring Fido and Fluffy along for the journey, but is it really the safest idea? Unless you'll be able to spend time with your pup, he or she would probably be happier at home. Typically, cats are always better off in at home. Just remember as a pet parent you have decided what is best for your pet. Here are a few tips for a safe trip with your four legged friend.

  1. Dogs shouldn't roam in the car or truck bed. Dog restraints are helpful in preventing your dog from roaming around the car and being a distraction to the driver. Also, keep your pet in the back seat of the car. Airbags can be dangerous to pets, even if they are in their crate.

  2. Cats belong in carriers; most cats aren't comfortable traveling in cars. Remember to restrain these carriers in the car so that they don't bounce around and hurt the cat.

  3. I know it’s cute and all, but keep your dog’s head in the car. Your dog can be injured or get sick from cold air being forced into their lungs.

  4. Don't ever leave your pet alone in a car! I know this is preached over and over again, but people keep doing it! On an 85-degree day, even with the windows cracked, the temperature inside the car can reach 102 degrees in just 10 minutes. Your pet can have irreversible organ damage or worse due to the heat.

Now that you know a little bit about safety and the dangers of taking Fido on a road trip, here are some tips on keeping him happy on the road. Adaptil Collars help with calming dogs during times of stress and anxiety, plus they last about a month. Put one on about weeks before the trip and it will last during your are on the trip. These collars also help with separation anxiety too. The collars work by releasing a pheromone that lactating dogs produce and it clams the puppies. This pheromone will calm dogs in all stages of life.

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